Partial Lucidity
So I actually had partial control over one of my dreams. The entire dream lasted about 15 minutes, but in there I was finally able to fly. I've always wanted one of those dreams, didn't work out quite like I planned though. It was over some sort of desert type landscape like Arizona, all sandy with some green shrubbery and some small mountains in the distant. So maybe California then. It started out with me floating in the air around 9000 feet on a cloudless sunny day. I then started flying forward enjoying myself and realized I was in a dream. That's when I lost control and started spinning in circles like I was a sock in the dryer stuck on spin cycle. It was really fast and really annoying, I could feel the blood and my eyeballs trying to rush from my face like this was actually happening to me. It seemed like my unconscious mind realized I was lucid and didn't know what to do. After feeling like I was going to rip apart I woke up with some heavy breathing and a feeling of WTF was that. All in all it was a fun time and hopefully it will happen again.
So it has been awhile since I last posted one of my crazy dreams, even though I've had a plethora of REM induced madness. Let me just say that my dreams are getting more realistic every time I have one. Sounds are getting louder, situations are more believable, touch is constant, visuals are amazing, taste and smell are getting more rampant, all in all realism is definitely there. It is annoying having to ask your roommate if a conversation actually took place every now and then. Of course they still have aspects that make no sense what so ever. For example running into a medical type building trying to find a cure for some person. Leaving said person on a gurney on the bottom floor. Taking the elevator up 10 or 15 floors to find a rundown warehouse and people shooting at you. Then finding aforementioned person in the warehouse and then taking the elevator back down with them.
I'm going to attempt to write more of these down on here, more for my benefit than for the 4 or 5 people that will actually read this. Whenever I reread one of these I can remember the exact details of that dream. I do wish I would've wrote down others that I had. Like the tornado/parade one, the shotgun deer/crop duster one, the eglin housing/deafening gun one, and all those others that I can't remember.
45 Strange Minutes
So, I had another crazy dream. The dream started out with me being in some strange wooden apartment. Has some sandy wooden planks on the floor with polish wood making the walls. There also was a bunch of the leafy vines along the tops of the walls and entrance ways. There was some other crazy stuff going on that I can't remember, I think I got laid in one part. But I decided to go to sleep on the couch, like I do alot in my real life apartment, same couch too. So I lay down and almost instantly get sleep paralysis. If you've never had sleep paralysis it's pretty weird. I've only had it a couple times, when I was about to fall asleep I felt myself being lifted towards the ceiling, wicked ass feeling. But back to the dream. In my dream it was making me shake, stumble, and have some euphoric sensations. After I regained my senses there was a bunch of cats in the room. I keep trying to pet this one, but the bastard kept biting me. I've incorporated feeling into my dreams so I could actually feel it's teeth biting into my pinky. After that I walked into the bedroom that had a bunch of stone walls that reminds me of a cave. There was more cats all over the place. After that I woke up and found out I was only asleep for 45 minutes. So after a period of being weirded out I feel back asleep, didn't dream during that one though. I love having dreams.
Sharks, bears, and airplanes oh my
Dreams are the best. The other night I had a dream I was on a 757 flying into Idaho Falls airport. It was weird, some of my old classmates were on the plane. Well the plane goes into a nose dive and slams into a lake. No biggie. But for so reason I put my wallet in the overhead and didn't have time to get it, that was annoying. So we open the side escape hatch and depart our floating wreck. I jumped out, almost ran on water and made it to the bank. Everyone escaped and the plane was perfect, except for being up to the wings in water. That's pretty much the end of that dream.
So the next night I have a dream that my parents work in some sort of zoo. I was hanging around in the aquarium section and start digging through one of the tanks. I find all sorts of old but pristine condition coins. Made my day having such luck. Now for the weird part. Right next to the tank was a pool with a shark in it. The shark pukes up a brown bear and the bear starts chasing me. So I run to the door, trying with all my might to close it while the bear continually swings it's mighty claws at me. After I got the door closed I woke up wondering what the hell was going on. Can't wait to see what the next dream entails.
Horrible Bosses 2 Film Stream
10 years ago
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